“He killed my child”: Brazilian man forces girlfriend to miscarry after giving her abortion pills

A man in Brazil has been arrested after tricking his girlfriend during sex to take abortion pills, which he told her were female Viagra, last month.

Giuliano Augusto Trondoli Cunha has been arrested in Sao Paolo. During sex with his girlfriend, Tamires Silva da Cruz, 32, he gave her abortion pills and told her not to go to hospital. She developed stomach cramps and bleeding, and later miscarried in hospital.

“He killed my child”, said Tamires.

Tamires had found out she was pregnant in September. She was in an open relationship with Cunha.

“He came to my house… he spent three days talking about abortion, looking for a clinic, and about putting the child up for adoption”, she said.

It appeared that Cunha had given up forcing an abortion on Tamires, who wanted to keep the baby. He even asked if he could choose the child’s name.

Cunha has now confessed to the crime, which in Brazil is punishable by a prison sentence of up to ten years. He now awaits trial.

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “It is a sad and horrifying truth that abortion is often forced on women whose instincts tell them to keep the child, as Tamires wished to do.

“It is clear that a terrible crime has been committed here, which Brazilian law takes seriously, as does our own law in the United Kingdom, recognising that the deliberate killing of an unborn child is, indeed, an outrage at any point in its development.

“Still, this recognition does not extend to abortion itself, despite its effect essentially being the same – the death of an unborn child – and which can still be forced on vulnerable women by abusive partners, especially now that DIY home abortion has been introduced as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

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A man in Brazil has been arrested after tricking his girlfriend during sex to take abortion pills, which he told her were female Viagra, last month. G...

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