“My little tough guy” Premature baby the same size as superman toy is thriving

A premature baby who was born the same size as a superman toy has defied all odds and is now a thriving four-year-old.

Baby boy, Logan Ray weighed only 1.5lbs after being born at just 23 weeks. Tiny Logan was the same length as a 12-inch superman toy. However, he defied the odds and after spending 105 days in hospital he returned home to enjoy life with his family.

Logan is now four years old. Each birthday he is photographed next to his superman toy as a reminder of just how far he has come.

Logan’s mum said: “He is a little superhero himself. Even when he was just a pound-and-a-half in weight. I called him my little “tough guy”. The doctor would look at me and say ‘we will see how he does’ and I’d just keep saying “he’s a tough guy.”

Logan’s Dad, Rob said: “We keep Superman up on a shelf because we want to keep it in one piece but Logan does hold it when we take it out for photos for his birthday. He looks at it and we tell him that’s how big he used to be…

“He’s just an incredible little boy. A lot of these babies born at 23 weeks have tons of health problems but Logan just didn’t, thank god. He’s a smart little kid, my little boy, he really is.”

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “Children like Logan remind us of just how valuable and remarkable human life is.

“We hear many stories now of premature babies fighting for life, that defy expectation and continue to crush milestones. Advances in medical care at the beginning of life have transformed the prospects of survival for premature babies.

“Each human, no matter how tiny and weak should be given an opportunity to thrive.”

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“My little tough guy” Premature baby the same size as superman toy is thriving

A premature baby who was born the same size as a superman toy has defied all odds and is now a thriving four-year-old.

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