“Thank God for Abortion” group release video in “laughable and desperate attempt” to shock and provoke

A New York performance group, Thank God for Abortion (TGA), has released a music video and song where members “thank God” for abortion access. The video has been described by SPUC as a “laughable and desperate performance” which tries to shock the pro-life community with “provocative” singing and dancing.

SPUC Director of Communications Michael Robinson said: “TGA is a mediocre drama group who exist only to shock and provoke through dancing and singing. Their latest song and dance performance is a laughable and desperate attempt to shock the pro-life community, some of whom may be religious. If TGA is seeking to undermine the sincerely held religious beliefs of many in the pro-life movement, their ridiculous antics are failing.”

 TGA was founded in 2015 and promotes abortion through art and drama. Group members like to dress up in costumes and “thank God for abortion” through performances which usually take place in religious settings.

The group describes the latest song and dance as an “anthem.” The video takes place in a church setting where group members sing and dance in celebration of abortion.

Exposing the abortion lobby for what it is

SPUC’s Michael Robinson added: “The abortion lobby continues to exist because they have disguised the brutal reality of abortion with reasonable and agreeable language like ‘choice’ or ‘healthcare.’ TGA strips back this disguise and exposes the abortion lobby for what it truly is.

“In recent years we have seen politicians and abortion groups further radicalise abortion. Groups like TGA are an expression of this abortion extremism and their offensive performances trivialise abortion. TGA may think they can destabilise pro-life people with religious beliefs. But the faith of those who defend human life is much bigger than that.

"Many women have faced agonizing abortion experiences and are still suffering. Groups like TGA are nothing but a slap in the face to these women.”



“Thank God for Abortion” group release video in “laughable and desperate attempt” to shock and provoke

A New York performance group, Thank God for Abortion (TGA), has released a music video and song where members “thank God” for abortion acc...

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