Planned Parenthood removes racist founder Margaret Sanger’s name from Manhattan clinic

Planned Parenthood will remove the name of Margaret Sanger, one of its chief founders, from a Manhattan clinic because of her “contributions to historical reproductive harm within communities of color”, it has announced. Antonia Tully of SPUC said: “Changing the name of its Manhattan clinic will not change the deadly work of Planned Parenthood. Margaret Sanger’s evil legacy of eugenics lives on in the abortion industry.”

Caught up in “cancel culture”, Planned Parenthood, the pro-abortion giant in the United States, has “cancelled” its chief architect, the eugenicist Margaret Sanger.

Explaining the removal of her name from the Manhattan clinic, the organisation said that “the biggest concern with Margaret Sanger is her public support for the eugenics medical philosophy, which was rooted in racism, ableism and classism”.

The move to address its racist and eugenicist background comes as the United States faces heightened racial tensions, including protests and calls to tear down statues of historical figures accused of racism, following the death of George Floyd last May.

Antonia Tully said:

“Taking down Sanger’s name is little more than virtue signalling. Planned Parenthood will continue peddling the lie that abortion is about giving women control over their fertility. The eugenic roots of contraception and abortion are still here.”

The Racist Founding of Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood is a leading facilitator of abortion in the black community in the United States.

Today, abortions among black women in the United States are disproportionately high. 28 per cent of abortions in 2014, in the United States, were performed on babies whose mothers were black, as reported by the Guttmacher Institute. Black Americans only represent roughly 13 per cent of the population, as recorded by the U. S. Census Bureau. And it is estimated that 247 black American babies are aborted every day. Another recent study found that more black babies were aborted in New York than were born.

Founded as the American Birth Control League by Sanger in 1921, Planned Parenthood was also established to use birth control as a means of suppressing the number of black Americans. This aim was championed by another founding member of Planned Parenthood, Lothrop Stoddard, whose 1920 book The Rising Tide of Colour Against White World-Supremacy forwarded his vision of the United States dominated by the white race. This white supremacist work gained a positive review in Sanger’s journal Birth Control Review.

Sanger was also part of the eugenics movement that argued and campaigned for the use of   contraception, sterilization and abortion to combat poverty and crime. It was a eugenicist belief that deprivation and delinquency were largely a result of inherited, supposedly problematic, characteristics and drives that could be supressed genetically by the targeted application of eugenicist methods.

Antonia Tully said:

“Organisations like Planned Parenthood are not improving the lives of women. Aided and abetted by governments and policy makers, they are controlling who deserves to be born and who doesn’t. Eugenics didn’t die with Hitler.

"Let’s keep saying loud and clear that eugenics is alive and flourishing in the abortion industry around the world.”

Planned Parenthood removes racist founder Margaret Sanger’s name from Manhattan clinic

Planned Parenthood will remove the name of Margaret Sanger, one of its chief founders, from a Manhattan clinic because of her “contributions to histor...

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