“Miracle” baby with feet the size of a penny defies the odds and is now a happy primary school pupil

Francesca Bradley-Curran, a “miracle” baby born at just 24 weeks gestation, with feet the size of a penny, has stunned doctors who said she would never walk or talk. She is now 5 years old and in primary school.

Doctors warned her parents, Victoria Bradley and Paul Curran, that even if she did survive, Francesca would never walk or talk properly.

“It’s crazy to think that the doctors told us that even if she did survive, she would never walk or talk, but now we can’t get her to sit still or be quiet”, said Victoria.

Francesca battled meningitis, pneumonia, three bouts of sepsis, two collapsed lungs and acute kidney injury. She also required 16 blood transfusions and laser eye surgery.

Victoria has paid tribute to her “walking, talking miracle” who beat the odds.

“From the minute she opens her eyes, she’s a constant ball of energy.”

Victoria now shows Francesca images from her time in hospital.

“I showed her a video that came up on my Facebook memories of her when she was born, and she realises that she was very ill and very small…

“She saw another video where someone called her ‘the baby with the penny-sized feet’, and she asked me, ‘Why do they think I have penny feet?’ I explained that we had put a penny next to her feet when she was born, and she decided to lay down next to one and I think it made her realise just how small she really was.

“I look back at pictures and videos… and it’s the picture with the penny that really helps me realise the scale of it.”

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “The battles that Francesca endured at such a young age shows the relentless strength of the unborn when they are given the chance to live.

“The birth of Francesca took place just 48 hours after the abortion limit. That ought to give any reasonable and right feeling person pause for thought.”

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“Miracle” baby with feet the size of a penny defies the odds and is now a happy primary school pupil

Francesca Bradley-Curran, a “miracle” baby born at just 24 weeks gestation, with feet the size of a penny, has stunned doctors who said sh...

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