Tennessee Bill to Mandate the Burial or Cremation of Aborted Children Passed by Legislature

A law that would require abortion providers in Tennessee to bury or cremate the remains of aborted children has been passed by the state legislature.

The Unborn Child Dignity Act requires abortion providers to assume financial responsibility for the burial or cremation of these children’s remains, ending the current situation where they are treated as ‘medical waste’.

Having been passed by both the House and the Senate, it will now be passed to the state Governor for approval.

A similar law was recently upheld by the US Supreme Court in Indiana.

SPUC Comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “Unborn children are all human beings, just like you or me.

“Babies are not medical waste. Once the humanity and dignity of all of these innocent victims is recognised, one question remains: why are we killing them?”

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Tennessee Bill to Mandate the Burial or Cremation of Aborted Children Passed by Legislature

A law that would require abortion providers in Tennessee to bury or cremate the remains of aborted children has been passed by the state legislature. ...

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