Say Nope to Marie Stopes

 Obianuju Ekeocha.

Should our taxes be funding Marie Stopes?

Nigerian pro-life activist Obianuju Ekeocha has released a new video highlighting the illegal practices of Marie Stopes International (MSI) in Africa.

"Say Nope to Marie Stopes" talks about the recent crackdowns against MSI in Kenya and Niger for carrying out illegal abortions. 

Kenya and Niger

Last month, the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board (KMPDB) ordered MSI to "immediately cease and desist offering any form of abortion services in all its facilities within the Republic of Kenya" after an investigation sparked by complaints from CitizenGo. The abortion giant was also instructed to file a weekly report on all services rendered in its facilities for 60 days, and to separate its health service delivery function from its advocacy programme.

Less than two weeks later, Niger ordered the closure of two clinics run by MSI, and the Government is threatening to take legal steps against those involved. 

Ms Ekeocha also points out in her video that MSI were expelled from Zambia in 2012 for performing illegal abortions.

Foreign aid spent on illegal abortions

She asks the question: "Is it right that western governments and organisations are funding an organisation which has been caught breaking the law in three African countries?"

Britain's Department for International Development (Dfid) is by far the biggest single contributor to Marie Stopes International, giving the abortion giant £44 million in 2017. It is also one of the beneficiaries of an additional £200 million the Prime Minister recently earmarked for family planning in Africa and Asia.


News in brief:

Say Nope to Marie Stopes

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