Scotland’s “shocking” new pro-abortion health plan exposes “twisted priorities”, says SPUC

The “woman’s health” plan, published by the Scottish government last week, has listed improved access to abortion as a priority. Michael Robinson, SPUC Director of Communications, has slammed the plan as “shocking” and an “indictment of the terrible state of Scotland” and its “twisted priorities”.

Of the proposed 66 actions listed in the health plan, eight refer to abortion, seeking to “improve access to abortion services”, it says.

Making “telephone or video consultation universally available as an option for abortion services” appears to be top of the list.

A “shocking” and “alarming” plan

SPUC’s Mr. Robinson made the following statement:

“It is shocking that a plan that is supposed to be about improving access to health care and reducing inequalities focuses so heavily on abortion – a procedure that ends the life of a human being and entrenches inequality based on age. Abortion is not healthcare. 

“It is alarming that telemedicine abortion is being listed as an action. Only a few months ago, the results of the public consultation on early medical abortion at home (facilitated by telemedicine) were published. It showed that 70% of respondents thought that the policy has a negative impact on women’s safety.

“The Scottish Government has not yet responded to this consultation, and so it is completely inappropriate to list telemedicine as a priority for women’s health, without even acknowledging that the consultation took place. We need immediate clarification from the Government on what this means. These actions will not serve women’s health, nor address the various needs women have. Instead, through telemedicine abortion, we abandon women to carry out abortions on their own.”

Preventing “life-saving” interventions

Mr. Robinson continued: “There is also the worrying reference to ‘preventing women from feeling harassed’ when accessing abortion. This would be achieved by introducing buffer zones, it appears.

“No one supports harassment but existing laws prevent that from happening. This is clearly another attempt to restrict peaceful pro-lifers from offering vital help to women in need – help that, given the way the Government is pushing abortion, they will need more than ever.

“By banning pro-life vigils, women, who may feel abortion is their only choice, are denied a final opportunity to be presented with a life-saving alternative.”  


Scotland’s “shocking” new pro-abortion health plan exposes “twisted priorities”, says SPUC

The “woman’s health” plan, published by the Scottish government last week, has listed improved access to abortion as a priority.

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