Church of England “adamant” in opposition to assisted suicide legislation

A senior Church of England representative has said that the established Christian church in England is “adamant in its rejection” of any attempt to legalise assisted suicide.

William Nye, secretary-general of the General Synod, has stated that the Church of England opposes assisted suicide legislation that “would undermine the intrinsic value of every human life”.

Secretary-General Nye, the Church’s highest-ranking lay official, also said that legislation such as Baroness Meacher’s “Assisted Dying Bill” risks pressuring vulnerable persons into choosing suicide.   

Responding to Baroness Meacher citing a poll indicating that most Christians in the UK support assisted suicide, Secretary-General Nye said that these polls “lack nuance or context… [and] invite people to imagine themselves into a situation in which most people have no relevant experience…

“For these reasons — and because no new or better arguments to the contrary have been advanced by any of the lobbyists for assisted suicide — the Church of England has been adamant in its rejection of a change in the current law.”

Next month, the General Synod will debate a motion requesting that the Synod, the legislative body of the Church of England, confirm its opposition to assisted suicide.

The Assisted Dying Bill, introduced to the House of Lords by Baroness Meacher, failed to go beyond the committee stage when Parliament’s 2021–22 session concluded in April. SPUC has opposed the Bill and has asked supporters to write to members of the House of Lords to tell them why the “Meacher Bill” should be rejected.

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “SPUC welcomes Secretary-General Nye’s comments, recognising the great importance and urgency of opposing dangerous assisted suicide legislation.

“The message that the Synod can send next month, rejecting Baroness Meacher’s ill-considered and reckless proposals, would be profound, and perhaps decisive, representing the collective voice of the established church in England.

“It is vital that all churches and faiths show leadership on this matter on behalf of all vulnerable persons who deserve compassion and care, not death. Christianity has always spoken up for the vulnerable. It must do so again, now and with full voice.”

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Church of England “adamant” in opposition to assisted suicide legislation

A senior Church of England representative has said that the established Christian church in England is “adamant in its rejection” of any a...

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