£352 million spent by UK Government to subsidise international abortion giants – “a disgusting use of public money”, says SPUC

The UK Government funded international abortion giants to the extent of £352 million over the course of five years. SPUC has slammed the funding as a “gross and frankly immoral misallocation of taxpayer money that may have subsidised abortion on a truly appalling scale”.

Yesterday, it emerged that between 2016 and 2020 the UK Government allocated £256 million to Marie Stopes International (MSI), and £96 million to International Planned Parenthood Foundation (IPPF), both infamous abortion giants.

This information was released after pro-life Conservative MP Scott Benton, a member of SPUC, formally raised the question in Parliament earlier this month.

The Government claims that it is not possible to say how much of the combined £352 million was ultimately spent on abortion, since, a spokesperson said, it was part of “an integrated approach” to “sexual and reproductive health and rights” provision.

A recent poll revealed that 65% of British people objected to public money funding abortions overseas.

Last year, the pro-abortion IPPF said it would sue the UK Government after MPs voted to cut its foreign aid budget, including funding of abortion, from 0.7% to 0.5% of national income, as reported by SPUC.

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “Western nations and NGOs have a shameful history of abortion imperialism, pushing abortion on developing nations in recent years under the guise of so-called ‘essential’ healthcare.

“While we do not know how much of the £352 million taxpayer money directly funded abortion between 2016 and 2020, it is obvious that this funding subsidised the ongoing assault on the world’s unborn, either directly or indirectly.

“At a time when the world is reeling from disease and war, such funding that serves only to destroy more innocent lives is wholly out of touch with public sentiment.

“£352 million is quite simply a disgusting use of public money.”

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£352 million spent by UK Government to subsidise international abortion giants – “a disgusting use of public money”, says SPUC

The UK Government funded international abortion giants to the extent of £352 million over the course of five years.

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