“Sickening”: Abortion provider BPAS wins BJM’s “Women’s Health Team” of the year for killing the unborn during lockdown

The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) has been congratulated by the British Medical Journal (BMJ) for winning its Women’s Health Team of the Year. BPAS won specifically for its telemedicine abortion programme, killing the unborn throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Well done to the whole team”, the BMJ posted on Twitter.

DIY home abortion was introduced in March 2020 in response to COVID-19 and nationwide lockdown. Women were allowed to self-administer medical (chemical) abortions at home, without meeting with a medical professional in person.

As SPUC continues to point out, DIY abortion puts women at even greater risk of physical and psychological harm.

“I don’t want anyone to suffer like I did”, one woman said after a home abortion. “There were big chunks coming out of me. I would break down sobbing in the shower because chunks were coming out of me – it was absolutely horrifying.”

DIY abortion also places women at greater risk of coercion by abusive men. 84% of Scots say that they are concerned that DIY abortion will lead to more women being coerced into abortion, one poll revealed.

Numerous stories, reported by SPUC, have attested to the heartbreak, horrors and danger of DIY home abortion, which pro-abortion advocates and providers, including BPAS, continue to ignore.

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “The BMJ has further sullied its reputation in this sickening and wholly contradictory decision to award BPAS ‘Women’s Health Team of the Year’.

“Abortion has nothing to do with health, nor does it serve women.

“Indeed, BPAS has consistently undermined women’s safety and health to promote its own agenda, which is to expand abortion throughout the UK.

“It is obvious to see that the BMJ also has a similar agenda, evident in this award to BPAS, purely on the grounds of ideology rather than women’s health.”

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“Sickening”: Abortion provider BPAS wins BJM’s “Women’s Health Team” of the year for killing the unborn during lockdown

The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) has been congratulated by the British Medical Journal (BMJ) for winning its Women’s Health Team of...

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