6,666 unborn Irish children killed by abortion in 2019

6,666 unborn children were killed in the Republic of Ireland in 2019. These are the first official abortion figures published in the Republic of Ireland since the Eighth Amendment was repealed in 2018.
Liam Gibson, SPUC Political Officer said: "These are truly shocking statistics. It would be easy to be overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of abortions or to be horrified by what the killing of children on this scale tells us about Irish society. However, we must never lose sight of the fact that each one of these 6666 abortions was a deliberate act of lethal violence directed at an entirely innocent and unique human being.
"No government, no state, regardless of a referendum can abrogate the God-given right to life of even one member of the human family. Abortion is never justified, every child has the right to be born regardless of their stage of development, their disabilities or the circumstances of their conception.


"The pro-life people of Ireland have fought a long, hard battle to protect women and children from abortion. It is very important that they do not remained silent in the face of this terrible injustice. Their commitment to defend every individual unborn child by speaking out against abortion at every opportunity will, in the end, prove to be decisive."


6,666 unborn Irish children killed by abortion in 2019

6,666 unborn children were killed in the Republic of Ireland in 2019. These are the first official abortion figures published in the Republic of Irela...

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