Golden Globes 2020: Celebrity implies she couldn’t have won award if she didn’t abort her baby

Actress, Michelle Williams, implied during her Golden Globes acceptance speech yesterday evening that she couldn’t have won her award if she didn’t abort her baby years previous. Eden Linton, SPUC Youth and Education Officer said: "Welcome to 2020, where a trophy is of more value than human life and women must kill their children to achieve their dreams."

The award ceremony, which took place yesterday evening, saw Michelle Williams accept an award for her role in television series Fosse/Verdon.

After collecting her performance award, the actress used her speech to promote a pro-abortion agenda, where she implied to the audience that aborting her baby enabled her to succeed.

Grasping her award, Williams said: "I wouldn't have been able to do this without employing a woman's right to choose, to choose when to have my children and with whom."

William’s speech was met with applause from Hollywood stars and was soon circulated on social media by abortion giant Planned Parenthood.

Miss Linton said: "Ms Williams has sent a message to young and impressionable girls all over the world that their dreams and ambitions cannot be achieved without abortion and that women must sacrifice their children in order to be successful.

"In 2020, no woman should have to sacrifice her child in order to achieve her dreams. Ms William’s message degrades women and their capabilities. In a society where celebrities are so glorified, it is extremely concerning to see statements such as these emanating from high-profile events with the ability to influence others."

Pro-abortion Hollywood

William’s acceptance speech is not the first time that Hollywood celebrities have used their platform to promote a pro-abortion ideology.

In 2019 SPUC reported on Hollywood’s tactic to push on-screen abortion at record levels in an attempt to normalise it.

In the same year, a band of more than 40 Hollywood celebrities expressed their collective outrage over the prospect of legal protections being passed in the state of Georgia, which would safeguard unborn children from abortion. The celebrities, who included Ben Stiller, Amy Schumer and Alec Baldwin, penned a letter to the Governor of Georgia, threatening to boycott the state if legal protections for unborn children were introduced, and described the safeguards as ‘evil.’

Entertainment giants Netflix and Disney, who often market their business to very young children, protested against the prospect of unborn children being protected from abortion. Both companies issued threats to boycott the state of Georgia if legal protections for unborn children were introduced.

Golden Globes 2020: Celebrity implies she couldn’t have won award if she didn’t abort her baby

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